Friday, January 18, 2008

Welcome to the World of Curling Canuck

Yes I know you were waiting all your life to have me finally make a place where I can ramble about my nothingness, or is that emptyness... Wow a blog. What is the state of reality becoming when even I, a 37 year old can start talking about nothing and people read it. Oh right, that has been done already on NBC with Seinfeld. But I digress. Well this is it. My first post on my blog. Nothing special really when you look back at it. Not like sending an astronaut to the moon, or putting a John Hancock on the piece of paper, but more like a cheap bottle of champagne being broken against an even cheaper boat. So before I drone on forever, I will end my first post with a simple note. Don't drink and blog...


Bob said...

Derek, welcome to the world of blogging, you'll quickly find blogging is time consuming. My blog is a photo blog which helps motivate me to take more pictures.

Unknown said...

we want more.. more posts.. write write derek!